Hiding, shuffling, and triangle finding: quantum algorithms on edge lists
Amin Shiraz Gilani,
Daochen Wang†,
Pei Wu,
Xingyu Zhou
arXiv 2024
We study quantum graph algorithms given an edge list, making connections to fundamental questions in quantum query complexity.
Evaluating the security of CRYSTALS-Dilithium in the quantum random oracle model
Kelsey A. Jackson,
Carl A. Miller,
Daochen Wang†
QIP 2025 (to appear) and Eurocrypt 2024
We ground the security of the primary post-quantum digital signature scheme, standardized by NIST as ML-DSA, in the hardness of Module-LWE and Module-SIS.
On the rational degree of Boolean functions and applications
Vishnu Iyer,
Siddhartha Jain,
Matt Kovacs-Deak, Vinayak M. Kumar, Luke Schaeffer, Daochen Wang†, Michael Whitmeyer
arXiv 2023
We prove some special cases of a thirty-year-old conjecture from the analysis of Boolean functions, which has connections to post-selected quantum query complexity.
A theory of quantum differential equation solvers: limitations and fast-forwarding
Dong An,
Jin-Peng Liu,
Daochen Wang,
Qi Zhao
In journal submission
We prove that quantum algorithms generally work best when simulating quantum dynamics but can sometimes be fast-forwarded when simulating non-quantum dynamics.
Lattice-based quantum advantage from rotated measurements
Yusuf Alnawakhtha,
Atul Mantri,
Carl A. Miller,
Daochen Wang†
Quantum 2024
We give a simpler proof-of-quantumness based on LWE and sketch applications to randomness generation, quantum money, and encrypted quantum simulation.
Quantum divide and conquer
Andrew M. Childs, Robin Kothari, Matt Kovacs-Deak, Aarthi Sundaram,
Daochen Wang†
QIP 2023 and in journal submission
We quantumly speed up divide and conquer in certain settings and apply it to string problems, including
longest increasing subsequence and longest common subsequence.
Parallel self-testing of EPR pairs under computational assumptions
Honghao Fu,
Daochen Wang†,
Qi Zhao
ICALP 2023
We show how to efficiently self-test the preparation and measurement of multiple EPR pairs assuming LWE cannot be solved quickly by quantum computers. Applications include device-independent quantum key distribution and dimension testing.
Quantum algorithms for reinforcement learning with a generative model
Daochen Wang,
Aarthi Sundaram,
Robin Kothari,
Ashish Kapoor,
Martin Roetteler
ICML 2021
We quantify the quantum speedups achievable for reinforcement learning
in terms of calls to a generative model of the underlying
Markov decision process.
Quantum exploration algorithms for multi-armed bandits
Daochen Wang*,
Xuchen You*,
Tongyang Li,
Andrew M. Childs
AAAI 2021
We construct an optimal quantum algorithm for identifying the best arm in a
multi-armed bandit that is quadratically faster than any classical algorithm.
Symmetries, graph properties, and quantum speedups
Shalev Ben-David,
Andrew M. Childs,
András Gilyén,
William Kretschmer,
Supartha Podder,
Daochen Wang†
SICOMP 2024, QIP 2021, and FOCS 2020
We characterise how a problem's symmetries determine whether quantum computation can drastically
speed up its solution; it turns out that graph symmetries play the key role.
Subsumes our earlier work.
Efficient quantum measurement of Pauli operators
in the presence of finite sampling error
Ophelia Crawford*,
Barnaby van Straaten*,
Daochen Wang*,
Thomas Parks,
Earl Campbell,
Stephen Brierley
Quantum 2021
We reduce the number of measurements needed to estimate the expectation value of an observable by a few orders of magnitude via simultaneous measurements.
Possibilistic simulation of quantum circuits by classical circuits
Daochen Wang
Physical Review A 2022
I extract a notion of "p-simulation" from
a breakthrough paper in 2018
and then construct explicit classical circuits that can p-simulate any quantum circuit.
Variational quantum computation of excited states
Oscar Higgott,
Daochen Wang,
Stephen Brierley
Quantum 2019
We enable the
variational quantum eigensolver to compute excited states at little extra cost by penalising overlaps between quantum states. Integrated into IBM Qiskit.
Accelerated variational quantum eigensolver
Daochen Wang,
Oscar Higgott,
Stephen Brierley
Physical Review Letters 2019
We accelerate the
variational quantum eigensolver by making it
behave more like
quantum phase estimation as more coherence time becomes available.
Driving Rabi oscillations at the giant dipole resonance in xenon
Stefan Pabst,
Daochen Wang,
Robin Santra
Physical Review A 2015
We find that super-short yet super-intense pulses of light can drive Rabi oscillations between bound states of negative energy and a pseudo-bound state of positive energy.
- 2024 W1: Quantum Computation: CPSC 436Q (undergraduate)
- 2023 W2: Topics in Quantum Computation: CPSC 536W (graduate)
OpenFermion: the electronic structure package for quantum computers
Jarrod R. McClean,
Kevin J. Sung, Ian D. Kivlichan, Yudong Cao, Chengyu Dai, E. Schuyler Fried,
Craig Gidney,
Brendan Gimby,
Pranav Gokhale,
Thomas Häner, Tarini Hardikar, Vojtěch Havlíček,
Oscar Higgott, Cupjin Huang,
Josh Izaac,
Zhang Jiang, Xinle Liu, Sam McArdle, Matthew Neeley,
Thomas O'Brien, Bryan O'Gorman, Isil Ozfidan,
Maxwell D. Radin,
Jhonathan Romero,
Nicholas Rubin,
Nicolas P. D. Sawaya, Kanav Setia, Sukin Sim, Damian S. Steiger, Mark Steudtner,
Qiming Sun, Wei Sun,
Daochen Wang, Fang Zhang, Ryan Babbush
Quantum Science and Technology 2020
I contributed code that allows you to automatically retrieve molecular geometries from the
PubChem database - try: geometry_from_pubchem('water').
Eureka 64
Eureka is a recreational math magazine published by The Archimedeans society. This issue was published when I was the society's president a long time ago. Enjoy!